Tuesday, 29 August 2023

Book Review : Woom by Duncan Ralston

 ⚠⚠ Trigger Warning ⚠⚠

So, I'm not really sure where to begin with this book to be honest. It was definitely full of some very graphic descriptions. It was basically made to shock people and to be honest, it didn't have a lot else going for it. 

I felt the writing was a bit rushed and spent more time trying to get as much detail into the gross parts then it spent trying to get a decent story written. 

The characters were not loveable in anyway, in fact most of the time I was pretty disgusted by them. 

I struggled my way through the last bit when they were describing what the main characters goal was for the ending and how he managed to do it. 

But in the end we did make it all the way through. 

Would I recommend this book? No probably not. 

Would I suggest you should try it at any point? Not unless you're a fan of SplatterPunk horror and gore to be honest. 

But don't be shy, give it a go if you're brave enough.

Rating - ⭐⭐⭐

Hello, Hello

 Hello, and welcome to me rambling on about my, mostly boring life. Mainly just so I have somewhere I can spill all the useless cr*p that is normally spinning around my mind. 

So, I'm Lennie, I'm 32 currently and I'm full of up and down mood swings, just to make this sound like it might be a bit more adventurous then it probably will be. 

I live with my partner (Ryan) my six year old son (Tate) and our two dogs (Larka and Dexter) and not forgetting our cat (Willow). 

We currently live in a two bedroom house with a decent size garden, but this is where life is about to get a bit more interesting and potentially complicated. Tomorrow we are off to view a two bedroom static caravan with the intention of moving into it full time.

I feel like it will be a good way to declutter and down size on all the random tat we own and hopefully help clear out my very cluttered mind a bit. Fingers crossed anyway. 

So at some point I will be back tomorrow to ramble on about how that went. 

For now though I am off to go and sulk for a bit, as I've slipped into a weirdly bad mood over the last couple of hours unfortunately.

On that note. 


Book Review: The Woman and the Witch by Amanda Larkman

  Wow, what a fantastic read this was. When I first started, I wasn't really sure I was going to get into it. By the second chapter, I w...